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Mawney's Account of the
Attack on the Gaspee.
Doctor John Mawney and Joseph Bucklin gave medical aid
English ship captain Dudingston
The first written statement, but only the second most comprehensive written eye-witness account, from
the Americans, of the Gaspee Affair, was given by John
Mawney, in a statement published in the American and Gazette in the year
Having been absent from home three days, I returned on the morning of the
Third, which was the 9th or 10th of June 1772 , when hearing the beating of a
drum down street, which was very unusual in those days, I went into the house
and inquired the cause, but, gaining no information, I told [Pero] to take care
of the house and I would go down street to learn the cause. Arriving at the head
of the bridge I learned there was an assembling of people at James Sabin's
house. I [arrived at his house] immediately and found a large body of people
before and in the house and from those without learned the object of their aim,
which was the destruction of the King's schooner Gaspee. Not long after they
came out of the house and several of my acquaintances surrounded me and
requested me to go with them as surgeon (to which) knowing the interuption of
the navigation of the river, by British vessels added to the resentment I felt
for Capt. Preston ordering his Company to fire on the Citizens of Boston (by
which with others) two of my intimate acquaintances and friends were killed
March 5th, 1770.
I readily consented and went to Corlis' wharf with Capt. Joseph Tillinghast who
was commander of the barge; it being the last boat that put off and in going
down, we stopped at Capt Cooke's wharf where we took in staves and paving
stones, which done followed our commander and came up with them a considerable
distance down the river, after which, we rowed along pretty rapidly till we came
in sight of the schooner, when Capt. Abraham (the late Commodore) Whipple
ordered us to form a line, which was instantly complied
with; after which, we rowed gently along, till we had got near the schooner;
when we were hailed from on board, with the words, "Who comes there?"
When Capt. Whipple replied, "I want to come on board."
The return was, 'Stand off, you can't come on board.'
On which Capt. Whipple roared out, 'I am the sheriff of
the County of Kent; I am come for the commander of this vessel, and have him I
will, dead or alive. Men, spring to your oars!' when we were in an instant on
her bows.
I was then sitting with Capt. Tillinghast, in the stern
of the barge, and sprang immediately forward; and seeing a rope hang down her
bow, seized it, to help myself in. The rope slipping, I fell almost to my waist
in the water; but, being active and nimble, I recovered, and was the first of
our crew on deck; when Simeon H. Olney handed me a stave, with which, seeing one
that I took to be of the crew of the schooner, floundering below the windlass, I
was in the attitude of leveling a stroke, when he cried out, 'John, don't
strike." Being very intimately acquainted with Capt. Samuel Dunn, I knew his
voice, left him, and sprang back of the windlass, where there was commotion and
noise, but which soon subsided; the crew jumping down the hold, I immediately
following, when I ordered them to bring cords to tie their hands, [and told
them] they should not be hurt, but would be sent on shore. They brought some
tarred strings, with which I tied the hands of two behind, when John Brown,
Esq., called to me, saying I was wanted immediately on deck, where I was
instantly helped; when I asked Mr. Brown what is the matter, he replied, 'Don't
call names, but [go] immediately into the cabin, there is one wounded, and will
bleed to death.'
I hastened into the cabin, and found Lieut.'
Duddingston in a sitting posture, gently inclining to the left, bleeding
profusely, with a thin, white woolen blanket, loose about him, which I threw
aside, and discovered the effect of a musket ball, in his left groin; and
thinking the femoral artery was cut, throw open my waistcoat, and taking my
shirt by the left collar, tore it to my waistband, when Mr. Duddingston said,
'Pray sir, don't tear your clothes, there is linen in that trunk;' upon which, I
requested Joseph Bucklin, Jnr. to break open the trunk, and tear linen and
scrape lint, which he immediately attempted; but finding the linen new and
strong, could not make the lint.
I then directed him to place his hands as I had mine,
which was the ball of my left hand on the orifice of the wound; and giving him
the word to slip his hand under mine, and to press hard, to prevent the effusion
of blood; which being done, I went to the linen, and attempted to scrape it into
lint, but found I could not effect it. As daylight was fast coming on, and our
time short, I then tore the linen into strips, for compresses and the necessary
bandages; (which was done by knotting them into long straps), which being done,
and placed the compresses five or six deep, and with the ligatures placed them
by the Lieutenant.
All being prepared, I told Bucklin to raise his hands,
when I instantly placed the compresses on the orifice; and placing the bandage
round the thigh, over the wound, and crossing it above, drew it in tight, that
the effusion of blood was stopped.
During the operation, I was several times called upon
at the door, but was not ready. When the door was opened, many rushed in, and
attacked the bottles. I having boots on, stamped on them, and requested others
to assist, which was readily done. During this, Mr. Dudingston was carried out
of the room, and I never saw him after, notwithstanding I had several
invitations, through Dr. Henry Sterling.
When I came on deck, I saw Capt. Tillinghast, and some
others. We got into the boat, and rowed up the river a certain distance and
landed, and went by land to town; when Capt. Tillinghast, who was then living
with me, after taking breakfast, went on the hill to view the smoking ruins of
the vessel, which was all in flames soon after we left it."
Note re "Joseph Bucklin Jnr":
Mawney named "Joseph Bucklin, Jnr" as the second person
involved with the dressing of the wounds of Dudingston. Researcher John Concannon has looked at the
original draft that John Mawney made of his statement of the Gaspee Incident before it was
published, and he tells us: " In this statement, John Mawney refers to the assistant that
help him treat Lt. Dudingston's wounds as 'Jos. Bucklin Jnr.' The ' Jnr' bit
was not published by the American and Gazette in 1826, but it is quite
distinctly there in his handwritten notes, and I had this confirmed by the
manuscript archivist from the RIHS". Thus it is clear that of the two
Joseph Bucklins living in Providence in 1772, Mawney identified Joseph
Bucklin age 19, the son of the ship captain Joseph Bucklin, age 52.
Mawney's original draft may be found at Gaspee Papers, Rhode Island
Historical Society, MSS 434. at p149.
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