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This is a history education and
research web site of the
Joseph Bucklin Society.
in brackets [ ] or in curly brackets { } on any page in
this website are to books, or other materials, listed in the Joseph
Bucklin Society Gaspee Bibliography, or to materials held by the Joseph
Bucklin Society.
The Joseph Bucklin Society Gaspee Raider Relationship Project.
Investigating: what connections existed among the Gaspee Raiders?
The raiders of the Gaspee were Rhode Island men with various
relationships among them. This helped keep their identities secret
when it was decided that England should not be allowed to discover who were
the persons who attacked the Gaspee. The Joseph Bucklin Society is now
undertaking coordinated research to discover and publish those connections
among the raiders.
It is fascinating to plot the genealogical, financial, business, and
social relationships and connections among the persons in the Gaspee
attacking party and those involved in the cover-up of the names of the
attackers. First of all, consider the geography and demographics
of Rhode Island when the Gaspee was attacked.
The town of Providence, in 1772:
- was approximately only six square miles,
- with 4,000 inhabitants
- in about with 650 families
- residing in approximately 370 dwellings,
- and only about 700 men were over the age of 16 and capable of bearing
In short, the townspersons would have been well acquainted with one
Business and family relationships built bonds among the townspersons. For
example you will find:
- Joseph Bucklin 5th (who fired the
shot) was a second cousin of Amy Whipple, who in turn was married to
another Joseph Bucklin, b. 1742.
- Joseph Bucklin 4th, the father of
Joseph Bucklin 5th, was a prominent merchant of the Providence area.
The brigantine Providence was a link to others who figured in Gaspee raid.
The brigantine Providence was commissioned in 1757 by
Stephen Hopkins, as governor of Rhode
Island, as a privateer to seize goods of France. Esek Hopkins was
the captain of the privateer ship. The first prize captured by Esek was
the ship desire, and 20 year old John Brown
was appointed the sales agent to sell the ship. [Brown1988]. Later,
Esek served as a ship captain for Joseph Brown on many voyages after the
Brown brothers began their merchant business. The ship continued in use
for at least a dozen years, and, in 1768, the Providence was partly
owned by Joseph Bucklin the 4th, together with Nicholas Cooke and
Benjamin Cushing.
- John
B. Hopkins (captain of one of the boats) was a second cousin, once
removed, of Amy Whipple. He was a ship captain of
John Brown. John B.
Hopkins was a nephew of Stephen Hopkins.
- Esek
Hopkins, an experienced merchant captain of the Browns, may have
been in the attacking party. He was the father of John B. Hopkins and a
brother of Stephen Hopkins.
- Stephen Hopkins was associated with
John Brown in various business ventures
Abraham Whipple (who was the captain in charge of maneuvers of the
attackers) was a 3rd cousin of Amy Whipple. Whipple was married to Sarah
Hopkins, the daughter of John Hopkins.
What is truly remarkable is that even though some Rhode Islanders were
loyal to the English, they never publicly came forward with much
information. For example, the first cousin of Joseph Bucklin 5th, one
Susanna Bucklin, was married to a brave man
(Solomon Johns) who joined the English and was a excellent and daring spy
for them in the Revolutionary War.
In Providence in 1772 there were six distilleries, two spermaceti candle
works, two tanneries, two gristmills, a slaughterhouse, a potash works, and
a paper mill. Economic activity was dominated by merchants engaged in
shipping, and especially by three mercantile firms: Nicholas Brown and
Company, Joseph and William Russell, and Clark and Nightingale.
What follows is a sampling of some of the connections that contributed to
the ability of the Gaspee Raiders being able to keep their identity
concealed until after the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War.
John Brown, the grand planner of the affair was a grandchild of Lydia
Bucklin; and Lydia was the sister of Joseph Bucklin's grandfather. To put it
otherwise, Joseph Bucklin's grandfather and John Brown's grandmother were
brother and sister.
Abraham Whipple was the ship captain in command of the longboats that
rowed out to attack the Gaspee. The Whipple's genealogy lists 13 Bucklins as
Whipple relatives in the Providence area at or before the time of Joseph
James Sabin was the owner of the tavern where the burning of the Gaspee
was organized. Joseph's grandfather had married into the Sabin family; and
Joseph himself was married to a Sabin.
Arthur Fenner owned the wharf in Providence from which longboats left to
attack the Gaspee. Fenner must have been known well by merchant Joseph
Bucklin, for Fenner acted as a witness to the will of Joseph.
Stephen Hopkins was Chief Justice in Rhode Island in 1772. Stephen's
brother William had a daughter, Sarah Hopkins, who was the wife of Abraham
Whipple, a ship captain of one of the longboats attacking the Gaspee.
Stephen's brother John was in the attacking party, and possibly his brother
Esek also was in the Gaspee attacking party.
Esek Hopkins was a ship captain for John Brown. When both Esek and Joseph
Bucklin 4th were younger, Esek Hopkins had rented a sloop to Joseph Bucklin
for his merchant business.
Later the brigantine Providence was a connecting point among Esek, Joseph
Bucklin 4th, and probably John Brown. The brigantine Providence was
commissioned in 1757 (probably to John Brown) by Stephen Hopkins, as
governor of Rhode Island, as a privateer to seize goods of France. Esek
Hopkins was the captain of the privateer ship. After the Seven Years War,
the brigantine Providence continued in use as a merchant ship. In 1768 it
was partly owned by Joseph Bucklin the 4th., together with Nicholas Cooke
and Benjamin Cushing. We know that because in 1768 his ship the brigantine
Providence was seized for being involved in rum smuggling. The
flimsiest of excuses was used to defend the case. Joseph won the case, and
costs were assessed against the customs collector. After the Revolutionary
War, the brigantine Providence was owned by John Brown. [Hawes, Off
Soundings p 220]
John Andrews was the judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court in Rhode Island,
and he rarely found for the English in the customs cases before him. He was
with Lt. Gov. Sessions in some of Sessions attempt to frustrate English
attempts to find the culprits of the affair. Andrews himself was the subject
of inquiry into his knowledge of what happened the night of the Gaspee
attack. Andrews had been the judge who had found for Joseph Bucklin 4th in a
customs seizure of a ship owned by Joseph, and ordered return of the ship to
Many of the raiders came from the oldest and most respected members of
Providence. See, e.g., the record of the Providence town meeting of
January 1695-6: " Where as, there hath ben a Request made unto ye Town by Jon
Dexter, William Hopkins, Enenetus Olney, William Turpin, Joseph Whipple, John
Smith, Philip Tillinghast, and Joseph Smith, that the Town would accommodate
them with a Small spot of land to set a School House upon in some place in this
Town about ye Highway called Dexter Lane or about ye Stampers hill, The Town has
Considered of the mater and Do by these presents freely Grant unto ye aforesaid
persons…a Spot of Land of Forty foot square…about the place where it may be most
convenient." [ Towne Meeting Jan. 27, 1695-6, ERP, XX:22. ] (Except for
Turpin and Tillinghast, all the above petitioners were part of the extended
Whipple family at that time.)
References in brackets [ ] or { } on any page in this
website are to books, or other materials, listed in the
Joseph Bucklin Society Library Catalog.] |