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The Case of John Robinson vs. The Brigantine Providence,
on Appeal (1768)
This document is
part of the record of
the appeal by the Collector of Revenue in a lawsuit in which he tried,
unsuccessfully, to have a ship captained by Joseph Bucklin 4th declared forfeit for being used in the criminal offense of
transporting illegal goods (i.e., smuggling molasses to be made into rum in
Providence). (Click on the thumbnail photo, above, to view part of the original document.)
The case is significant on a number of points, not the least of which is the
testimony of Capt. Joseph Bucklin that he did not know the crew put the molasses
on board the ship being accepted by the Rhode Island judge as proving that there
was no smuggling. It illustrates how the Rhode Island merchants turned civil law
into a weapon against the English. Prejudiced judges declared seizures to be
illegal, and thereafter the Rhode Island merchant could sue the English naval
officer and the Collector of Revenue for the civil wrong of trespass in a jury
case, in which the jurors would be instructed by the judge that the illegality
of the seizure having been previously decided, it was not simply a matter of
determining the damages the English naval officer the the Collector of Revenue
would have to personally pay (or be thrown into jail as delinquent debtors)!
Also important to legal historians is that this case, decided by the English
Court of Vice Admiralty located in Rhode Island, announced that even if there
was a failure to pay the tax the taxing statue was not a valid legal exercise of
the power of the English Parliament!
The discovery of this document is an example of Joseph Bucklin Society
original research that finds and publishes documents that have been unknown to
present-day historians.
The following text is from the original manuscript
of a court judgment our research discovered during a week of looking at the
contents of dusty boxes in the Rhode Island Historical Society Manuscript Room.
(This particular item is cataloged as MMS9003 , volume 1, page 15.) We have changed the following text by making the capitalization and spelling
conform more nearly to twentieth century usage.
John Robinson
The Brigantine Providence
The claimants Nicholas Cooke, Benjamin Cushing, and Joseph Bucklin appear
incontrovertibly to be the only owners of said vessel.
She arrived from Surinam into the Narragansett Bay and anchored about ten
miles below the harbor of Providence, the place of her destination, and a member
of the Port of Newport upon or about the thirteenth day of March 1767, in a most
severe season, the weather being remarkably cold for the time of year. The
Master, Joseph Bucklin, went on shore and having given or sent notice of his
arrival to the other owners, he proceeded by land to Newport to make report and
enter his vessel and the cargo on board.
In his absence there came on a hard gale of wind, which caused the vessel to
part her cable, and drove her much laden with ice upon a lee shore, in extreme
danger, on a reef of rocks. The wind continuing to blow hard, and the vessel
being old and unsound, the other owners in the absence of the Master thought
proper to strike out some of her water casks and some of her cargo to lighten so
that she might be got off, which they accordingly did, by which means, and an
ensuing moderation of the weather she was, though with great difficulty, got off
the reef. Part of the molasses taken out with all that part of it that belonged
to the cargo, properly so called, was returned on board, and eight barrels and
four tierces of molasses being a private adventure of the people or mariners,
which the Captain had no knowledge of, was by them put in the lighter and
brought up to Providence and was gauged by them in the presence of on of the
Officers of the Customs. This measure was advised by a Tide Waiter, who [told
the mariners that] . . . .it had been the constant practice of the Customs House
to exempt mariners adventurers , and being so gauged, the money for duties
thereon was afterwards rendered to the collector, who refused it.
The whole of the cargo, that is to say all of the molasses laden on board
that the Master had knowledge of, being one hundred and six casks, was duly
reported to, and entered with, the Officers of His Majesty’s Customs Dwelling at
Newport, yet notwithstanding the collector a few days afterwards seized said
brigantine for a pretended breach of various Acts of trade, and filed his
information against her in the Court of Vice Admiralty here.
He procured summons for a number of witnesses the names of some of whom were
never heard of before, as we can learn. And although longer time was had, and
greater indulgence shown towards the Informant both by the Judge and the Other
Officer than ever had been known in any case of a like nature, yet finally no
witness appeared or could be found to support the information in the least
measure or degree. At length the Judge, by his Definitive Sentence acquitted
said Brigantine, and ordered Restoration with Costs, all the proofs offered in
support of the Information not amounting to even a probability.
It is not to our propose to enter minutely into the Cause, as the papers in
the case and the Judge’s Decree are very particular. We think the Case rests
on these two points. 1. Whether there was any breach of the Act of Parliament
referred to in the Information, and 2. whether if the facts and breaches
complained of had been fully proved, the Vessel would have been liable to
As to the first point it appears by the paper in the case that report was
made to the Naval Officer who represents the Governor, as he is appointed by and
acts for him, and also to the Collector, and as to all the other breaches the
informant has not induced any proof, unless his own suspicions can be deemed
such, but on the contrary from the whole of the proceedings, it appears that
there was no fraud done or intended.
The vessel hold appearing in confusion will
not be of the least weight, if we consider she had been on shore, and could not
have been got off without unloading some part thereof; and that the same or part
of the casks taken out had been put on board again in a great hurry and in a
time of extremity, which might occasion in appearance of disorder in the hold.
The Captain reported and entered his whole cargo. He had no knowledge of the
people having put on board a few small casks of Molasses for their private
adventure. Besides it was not the custom of the officer to require a report of
such private adventures, or the payment of duties as is before mentioned; and
the informant refused to take the duties thereon when offered him, and at this
very time Mr. Paget, Searcher and Preventive Officer for this Port of Providence
had in his hand a note given by the said Nicholas Cooke to him, Mr. Paget, to
pay the duties if they should be demanded.
If the vessel and cargo had perished on the reef the owner could not have
recovered against the insurers unless they made use of their best endeavor to
get her off.
As to the second point we think that upon a critical examination of the Act
referred to it will be found that if the breaches occurred in the information
had been fully proved, the vessel would not have been liable to confiscation.
By the Collector’s stipulation in the Court of Vice Admiralty here upon the
eighteenth day of May 1767, he bound himself with his bail to prosecute his
appeal within twelve months from that date, and the Citation or Inhibition taken
out of the High Court of Admiralty bears date of July 1768, which is more than
twelve months after the entering into said stipulation.
Upon the whole the respondents case is fair and they make no doubt that the
former decree will be affirmed with costs.
By Silas Downer
Note: What Downer refers to "As to the second point" is what lawyers call
"dicta". Dicta is extra language that is not necessary to decide the case.
but that the judge wants to say anyway and uses the case for an excuse to say
it. Downer, having decided that the case was not proved factually, did not
have any legal need to go on to make the observation that even if Bucklin had
been smuggling, a ship engaging in smuggling could not be confiscated.
"As to the second point we think that upon a critical examination of the Act
referred to it will be found that if the breaches occurred in the information
had been fully proved, the vessel would not have been liable to confiscation."
The only reason to make such a statement is to give "warning" or "advice" to
the collector of revenue that "in the Court of Vice
Admiralty here" the English custom's law act did not authorize seizure of
a ship even if it was carrying cargo without paying the tax.
To put it another way, if you were an English navy officer who had
intercepted a ship that was smuggling, you would be much better off to take the
ship to the Boston vice-admiralty court than to the Rhode Island vice-admiralty
court. And if you were Joseph Bucklin, you might feel safe in
continuing to smuggle in Rhode Island waters.
Silas Downer a few years later delivered a famous discourse on the right of
Americans and the legal inability (as he saw it) for the English parliament to
pass laws regarding the taxation of people in Rhode Island. This put
in written form his philosophy that formed the basis for his dicta in his
decision regarding the brigantine Providence. See, Downer, S. (1768).
A discourse delivered in Providence, in the colony of Rhode-Island, upon the
25th day of July 1768. At the dedication of the Tree of Liberty, from the summer
house in the tree, Providence.
Note: The above case first had been decided by an adjunctive judge of the
Vice-Admiralty Court located in Rhode Island, then appealed by the collector or
revenue to the senior judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court, Silas Downer. When
Silas Downer decided against the collector in May, 1967, the collector appealed
to the "High Court of Admiralty. As Downer notes in the paragraph appended near
the end of this document, the collector filed his appeal two months late, making
the judgment of Downer the final judgment in the case.
To date, we have not found a subsequent suit at common law by Joseph
Bucklin against the collector, seeking money damages for an "illegal
seizure", but that was the common practice of the time, making the
collector's life an unhappy one.