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This is a continuation of the story of the Gaspee Attack in Rhode Island.
[Use Page Up link on left margin to start at the beginning.]
Seconds later the attackers swarmed aboard the
schooner and with fists and staves drove the crew below. Once on the deck, John
Brown assumed command. The commander of the Gaspee was found to be seriously
wounded and was carried to his cabin where he was attended by Dr. John Mawney, a
member of the expedition, together with Joseph Bucklin. Bucklin's shot had
passed through Dudingston's left arm, as Dudingston had been bending forward,
and then went into Dudingston's groin, in the femoral artery. A shot in
the groin was painful ,and in that day usually
a fatal wound. The care given by Dr. Mawney and Bucklin saved the life of
Dudingston (who later went on in the Revolutionary War to be promoted to rear
The Gaspee was searched and all letters, papers
and records were collected and brought to John Brown, in the ship's cabin, for
examination. Dudingston described the situation there as follows:
During this time I had the opportunity of
observing the persons of about a dozen who were in the cabin. They appeared to
me to be merchants and masters of vessels, who were at my bureau reading and
examining my papers
The first rays of the
morning sun were flushing the sky when the leaders of the raiding party
concluded their examination of Dudingston's papers. The papers showed that indeed
Dudingston, in boarding and seizing Rhode Island
vessels, had been acting under proper papers and authority. John Brown gave orders for the raiders to leave the schooner,
taking the crew and Dudingston with them as prisoners.
The crew of the Gaspee was transported to Namquid Point and from there taken to
Pawtuxet, where they were imprisoned in the cellar of a house. The wounded
Lieutenant Dudingston was lowered into a longboat and taken to Stillhouse Cove in
Pawtuxet. Dudingston was carried to the home of Joseph Rhodes, where he
was lodged and given medical assistance.
Meanwhile, as the other contingents of the expedition rowed toward Providence,
Brown and those who were to depart with him in the last leaving longboat
carefully set fires to destroy the Gaspee.. The men in the
departing longboats saw the flames envelope the hull of the schooner and climb up the
two tall
masts. A series of explosions sent burning debris high in the air. The flames
had reached the powder magazines. The Gaspee disappeared into the
covering waters.
The Rhode Islanders had struck a blow against
what they regarded as illegal or arbitrary acts, but the affair would not end
there. The attacking party had arrayed themselves against the might of a
great nation. With the shooting of the English Navy ship captain, who might die,
they could expect the leaders of England to make every effort to punish them.
Day was just breaking when the leaders of the colony took swift steps to protect
the guilty.
First an effort was made to find out what the
English crew knew about the attackers. Darius Sessions, Deputy-Governor of
Rhode Island, a sea captain formerly employed by the Browns, called on the
wounded commander of the Gaspee, offered him every assistance, and tried to find
out what Dudingston knew about the identity of the attackers. The
Lieutenant steadfastly told Sessions that he would not speak about the matter
and would first have to report to his superior, Admiral Montague. The Deputy
Governor, however, was successful in obtaining affidavits from three members of
the Gaspee's crew, in which they disclaimed any knowledge of the identities of
their assailants. Sessions sent a dispatch to Governor Wanton at Newport,
formally reporting the grave incident and asserting that the names of the
perpetrators were unknown to the English crew.. He also suggested that to ward
off the wrath of the King, a
proclamation be issued offering a large sum of money for the apprehension of the
unknown culprits.
From that point on, the Rhode Island colonists
protected the identities of the attackers. For example, a member of the
expedition who had imbibed too freely was seen the next morning strutting back and forth on
the Weybosset bridge, wearing Lieutenant Dudingston's cocked hat and bragging about
his part in the affair. He was quickly and firmly escorted to his home with a stern
admonition to hold his tongue. (That was the last
time the Lieutenant's hat was seen.)
Protection of the
attacking party actuated every official action of the Rhode Island government
taken in the weeks and months following the destruction of the Gaspee.
There was real fear that an angry English Government might declare martial law
in the colony and send either troops or a naval force to occupy Newport and
Providence. There was also the possibility that the King might revoke the
charter. The identity of the attackers, involving as it did
the most prominent men of the area, had to be concealed if the colony was to be
protected from retribution. It was quickly determined that it had to appear to
the English king that the "natural aristocracy" of the colony was on the side of
the English, not in opposition to them.
Governor Wanton was a Rhode Islander, a wealthy
merchant of Newport and a good friend of the Browns of Providence. To show that
the local authorities could handle the matter themselves, the proclamation
suggested by Darius Sessions was quickly enacted by the Assembly. Governor
Wanton sent a copy of the Act to Admiral Montague with a conciliatory letter.
To tone down the appearance of an unprovoked rebellion, Wanton also sent a dispatch to London with a report condemning the revenue
ships of the British Navy for arbitrary actions, while glossing over the Gaspee
A letter was sent to Sam Adams for advice. He
counseled union of all the colonies, "since an attack on the liberties of one Colony was an
attack on the liberties of all.''
Instead of the drastic actions feared by the
Rhode Islanders, King George the Third and his ministers appointed a commission
to investigate to find any inhabitants of the colony who might have been
involved in the destruction of the Gaspee. The commission was to report to the
local courts which were to arrest any suspect and have him committed to
the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in North America for transportation to
England for trial. In short, King George and his ministers
misjudged the situation and assumed that colonial leaders would assist the
investigation and the colonial government would arrest the Gaspee raiders.
The attempt to use an old law of Henry VIII to
send persons accused of treason to England for trial angered the
colonists. The colonists used arguments familiar to Englishmen in the 16th
century to argue that such old laws of the king were unconstitutional. They
insisted on their rights as Englishmen to trial by a jury of their own peers in
the county of the alleged offense. Expressing the American view of
the law, Chief Justice Stephan Hopkins said:, "Then, for the purpose of
'transportation for trial, I will neither apprehend any person by my own order,
nor suffer any executive officer in the Colony to do it."
A black man named Aaron Briggs, the indentured
servant of Samuel Tomkins of Prudence Island, was impressed by the English for
service on the revenue schooner Beaver. A former seaman of the Gaspee remembered
seeing him aboard on the night she was burned and notified the commander,
Captain Linzee. On being questioned, Briggs admitted that he had taken part in
the attack and implicated Captain Potter of Bristol, John Brown and his brother
Joseph of Providence, Dr. Weeks of Warwick and a Richmond of Providence.
Captain Linzee immediately sent this information
to Admiral Montague. The Admiral, in turn, sent a letter to Governor
Wanton urging him to arrest at once the men named in Aaron's deposition.
Instead, the Governor and the Rhode Island officials bent their minds and hands
to protecting the men named by Aaron. For example, the colony quickly
obtained affidavits from Briggs' master and two of his fellow servants to the
effect that the servant Aaron had been on Prudence Island on the ninth and tenth
of June and could not have been within miles of the grounded Gaspee.
Fear of the King's wrath must have cast a pall of
gloom over many households in Rhode Island when it was learned that Aaron, the
informer, was in the hands of the British Navy. Aaron Briggs was a threat to the
anonymity of the guilty raiders, and Montague would like nothing better than an
opportunity to send a large group of Americans to England' s hangman. Governor
Wanton, of course, knew this and took desperate steps to wrest the informer from
the custody of Captain Linzee. At his instigation, a judge of the Superior Court
of Rhode Island issued a warrant to seize Briggs as a material witness in the
destruction of the Gaspee. Wanton also sent a note to the commander of the
Beaver urging him to respect the civil laws of the colony and turn his prisoner
over to the Sheriff of Portsmouth. Linzee refused the request and would not
allow that official to serve the warrant.
About this time. Admiral Montague received a
letter from the wounded Dudingston expressing fear that he would be in mortal
danger if he divulged the identity of any of the raiders who stormed his ship.
Dudingston was removed from Pawtuxet and carried in a litter to Boston while the
Admiral expressed anger over the delay of the King's commissioners in
"meeting to investigate the piratical act."
After many delays, the commission finally met for
the first time in Newport on January 5, 1773 --- almost seven months after the
Gaspee was burned. Five of the six members appointed by the King were present.
Member Montague, claiming official duties in enforcing all naval matters on the
coast, sent a Captain Keeler to represent him. The commission
refused to accept the Captain as a substitute commissioner and insisted that the
admiral attend the meeting in Newport. This occasioned another delay. Montague
finally arrived In Newport, complaining of the inconveniences.
Subpoenas were sent to many Rhode Island
officials , and to many Rhode Island colonists, including all of the men
accused by Briggs of participating in the attack on the Gaspee. The Rhode Island
officials quickly traveled to Newport, protesting their horror at the lawless
acts of the "Unknown" miscreants while declaring their utmost devotion
to the "good King George" and the laws of England. The ordinary
colonists and accused men also condemned the dastardly acts of the "Unknown
and rebellious attackers, expressing their undying love for law and order
--- however, they all found excuses to be unable to appear in
person before the commissioners.
A witness sympatric to the English, one Stephen
Gulley who implicated by hearsay a Providence shoemaker named Ramsdale, told the
commissioners that while on his way from Providence to testify, he had been
approached by a certain gentleman at a tavern near the Newport ferry. The
gentleman asked him his business and warned him not to proceed to Newport.
"There are twenty armed men covering the roads," the man told him,
"and they will take you back to Providence either dead or alive."
Gulley, in fear of his life, stole a row-boat and escaped to the British
man-o-war Lizzard.
On January 19, Montague informed his fellow
members of the commission that he must leave at once for Boston and asked them
to recess until spring. The commission, however, held daily sessions until the
twenty-ninth when they adjourned until the twenty-sixth of May. When they again
met, there was not what we today would call an energetic investigation.
It was in this year, 1773, that inter-colonial
Committees of Correspondence suggested by Virginia, to combat and resist the
idea of sending Americans to England for trial, were formed. The official legislative Committees of Correspondence
formed by the various colonies were the
initial step towards colonial union and eventually toward a Colonial Congress.
Stephen Hopkins, Chief Justice of Rhode Island
was asked by the commission to give a summary of the evidence that had been
presented. He pointed out that the testimony of Aaron Briggs was questionable in
view of the evidence presented by his master, and that the crew of the Gaspee
had not described or implicated any specific Rhode Islanders.
On the twenty-third of June 1773, the commission
closed its investigation. Their final report to the King stated that the Gaspee
was destroyed by persons unknown. They accused Captain Linzee of obtaining Aaron
Briggs confession by illegal threats of hanging. The one member of the
commission who might have objected-to the finding was absent. Admiral Montague
was in Halifax, Canada.
So ended the Gaspee incident. The "Gaspee
affair" interested all the Colonies. An act of the smallest colony was a
lesson and an inspiration for all.
Thus the "Gaspee affair" was
instrumental in the formation of a Colonial organization capable of united
action. Rhode Island had lead the way and the colonies had recognized the
need for united action and the inevitable dissolution of union with
Less than two years after the Gaspee attack, the
rebellion against the English rule burst into full flame at Lexington and
Interested in more details of the Gaspee
attack? Read
"Events in Gaspee"
Notes on our Joseph Bucklin Society condensed version of the
Gaspee story.
1. Our condensed version of the Gaspee story is based on the
framework of Forerunner of the
Revolution, by Lewis A. Taft.. We have changed what Taft wrote, adding some material not
found in his original work, and deleting some of Taft's original language. As
thus substantially changed, corrected, and supplemented, we think it is a reasonable
condensed summary
of the various documentary evidences of what occurred. Many old summary accounts,
like Taft's, contain some inaccuracies. Thus, we have made our own condensed summary,
above, but we used Taft's story as the framework.
2. For those seeking electronic versions of many of the
documents utilized in making our condensed version of the Gaspee story, the
documents that are at the center of any Gaspee research --- see the
documents that fellow researcher John Concannon has made available by providing
an electronic version of Professor Deasey's edition of Staples's Destruction of the Gaspee.
In the 19th century Staples printed many of the relevant original 18th century documents in one volume.
The documents in that book have served since its publication as the starting point for all Gaspee
researchers. Concannon's on-line version, being an electronic version, is searchable by electronic means, which is
vital for quick and through research of the contents of the book. Researchers of
the Gaspee affair owe much to Concannon for making available an
electronic version of Staples's Destruction of the Gaspee.
Concannon's electronic edition of Professor Deasey's edition of Staples's Destruction of the Gaspee.
may be found at http://gaspee.org/StaplesGaspee.htm