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Gaspee History

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Gaspee Raiders
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to 09/28/2010
Leonard H. Bucklin.
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This is a history education and
research web site of the
Joseph Bucklin Society.
in brackets [ ] or in curly brackets { } on any page in
this website are to books, or other materials, listed in the Joseph
Bucklin Society Gaspee Bibliography, or to materials held by the Joseph
Bucklin Society.
to Questions about
Events in the Gaspee Attack
Did the Rhode Island colonists or the
English shoot first? What did John Brown expect to do in the attack?
If we cannot be absolutely sure of a particular event, what can we say based on
a forensic evidence based evaluation?
Give your brain a workout by deciding what makes the event more likely
than not that it did occur, what is "reasonably likely").
Preponderance of the evidence: The standard of forensic evidence historians is
the asserted event fact supported by the greater weight of evidence, that is,
by evidence that is more credible and convincing than the evidence that the
event did not occur. It is the standard used in important decisions mayde
every day by the judge or jury in an American civil case.
What was the order of the events in the capture
of the Gaspee. What were the causes of the American Revolution in Rhode
Island and Massachusetts? This section of the site is devoted to those
sorts of questions. The answers must pass of the test of being supported
by evidence that is more credible and convincing than the evidence that the
event did not occur.
Who was in the raiding party?
Who was the Joseph Bucklin who shot the English
Who shot first, English or
What was the order of the events
The Legal Warrant Theory of the Attack: What was the reasoning
the Americans were using to justify the attack?
"How many longboats and how
many men were in the attacking party?
How big were the Longboats?
What were the moon and tide conditions?
How big was the Gaspee?
Why did Rhode Island have the
reputation among the English navy officers that the colony was a haven for
Let's start thinking about the importance of the Gaspee event, with the
following observations.
The Gaspee story is one of the great stories of the American Revolution. It
is of importance beyond and above that of a story of an initial armed conflict
between the American colonial residents and the English armed forces.
Understanding the Gaspee events involves historians in the social, economic, and
legal thought of colonial Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The people of
Providence, Rhode Island, were typical of the colonists of Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, and Virginia.
The residents of Providence and Newport were heavily engaged in sea trade,
not only with other countries, but also within and among the colonies of
England. Rhode Island merchants financed, and reaped the benefits of, the
triangular trade of rum to Africa, slaves to the West Indies, and then molasses
to New England. Indeed, Newport had proportionately more slaves than any other
county in the colonies. Rhode Island was initially planted with persons who had
come to New England to escape the attempts of crown and church to impose limits
on what they regarded as unconstitutional limits on their freedom. As those
persons went on from their initial port of landing and thence to Rhode Island
they kept communications with those in the initial colonies in which they had
first landed.
The reaction of the people of Providence to the English rules imposed as part
of the peace plan between France and England at the end of the French and Indian
war was not unlike that of people in Massachusetts, Virginia, and the other
English colonies. The committees of correspondence that were energized and made
official committees of the various legislatures by the English reaction to the
Gaspee attack were composed of men more alike than dissimilar in their social
culture. Thus, when North Carolina suffered dreadfully and perhaps most of all
the colonies, during the Revolution, they did it for reasons similar to those
which inspired the Rhode Island people during the same period of time.
The men who attacked the Gaspee were a people whose life was connected to the
sea, even those who were farmers living inland. That connection to the sea,
vital as it was to improvement of their lives and colony, was what made the
attack on the Gaspee a symbol to which all the colonies could relate. The common
traditions of the English speaking colonies represented by Rhode Island was the
bond that underlay the resistance to the way the English went about trying to
punish the persons who had attacked the Gaspee.
The Providence people's silence, and the Rhode Island people's resistance, to
the English attempts to find and punish the Gaspee raiders was a test of
American resolve and cohesiveness.
Once that test had been successfully passed,
and English punishment attempts ineffective, several English leaders recognized
the inevitable result would be dissolution of the bond of the crown between
Britain and the American colonies.
Once the test had been successfully passed,
the American colonial militia and English armed forces were no longer both effectively
controlled by the same ultimate military structure.