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This is a history education and
research web site of the
Joseph Bucklin Society.
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Bucklin Society.
Gaspee was one of several schooners, built in Canada and New England, that
were purchased
in 1764 by the English Royal Navy. The Navy wanted "Marblehead" design
ships for customs enforcement in
North America.
to enlarge the
various thumbnail of the ship plans and drawings scattered throughout this page.
You will get a good idea of typical Marblehead schooner of the
era, the type of ship the Gaspee was. (We also have probable measurements
of the Gaspee down this page.)
We'll consider here on this page the relatively small obstacles to boarding
of the Gaspee from the longboats. You can think about the overwhelming nature of
even 60 attackers getting on board to attack a crew of less than 20 English
sailors in the small deck space of the Gaspee. Once one subtracts the space for the
hold hatches, and the guns, anchors, masts, sails, ropes, and other gear on deck, it is apparent that 60 attackers on deck, just by standing
there, would fill up and physically occupy most
of the available deck space. Without the use of their ship's cannons, the crew
was never able to resist long. The attack on the Gaspee was an
overwhelming show of force.
Purchase. Immediately after the 1763 end of the Seven
Years War in which England became the owner of French Canada, the English
experienced a rash of smuggling in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This added to
the already difficult problem that the "Commander in Chief of His
Majesty's Ships and Navel Vessels in North America" had in his assigned
territory that ran from the St. Lawrence River in the north to the Bahamas
in the south. His twin duties were (1) enforcing the customs laws and (2)
providing English navel superiority. In 1763 he had no more than six
vessels in his command! Whether because the Lords back in England had no
real concept of the size of the territory involved, or for some other
reason, six ships were inadequate.
In January 1764, to remedy the problem of only six ships
to patrol the entire east coast of America, the Lords of the Admiralty
ordered the Navy Board to obtain six schooners. The six schooners
each cost between 420 and 545 English pounds and at the time of purchase
were between nine months and three years of age. The Gaspee was one
of those purchased.
Type of Ships. The six schooners purchased for the
Royal Navy were for the express purpose of enforcing the customs laws in
the territory of the North American command. Hence the need was not for a
large amount of cannon on the ships, or enough crew, to fight navel
battles, but rather the need was for agility in the coastal waters and
just enough size and crew to overcome unarmed smuggling sloops. Thus, the
purchase specifically was to be a purchase of six "Marblehead schooners or sloops ."
The name "Marblehead"
is generally accepted today as indicating ships of fast sailing abilities
built in Essex County, Massachusetts. However, in the 18th century it also
meant ships of the general design of those built there. Essex County was a
leader in shipbuilding and its shipbuilders had standardized the
arrangements of ships built there. Hence, ships of that general
design could be built elsewhere and be called
"Marblehead schooners.@
The letters concerning the purchase of these six ships indicate that three
of them were built in Halifax. See Notes on the
Construction by Jack Silvia at the Gaspee Archives site.
Therefore, it would appear that the Lords' order for
"Marblehead schooners
or sloops" meant to refer to general
design, rather than the place the ships were built.
Design of Gaspee. We leave it to the Gaspee Virtual Archives to furnish the particulars of
the design of the Gaspee.
their pages for more ship construction details.
Our particular interest in the design of the Gaspee, at our site, is limited to
knowing enough about the design of the Gaspee to understand the attack that was
made on the Gaspee, what happened at that time, and perhaps even give us a clue
on what John Brown and the leaders of the group intended to do when they rowed
out to the Gaspee.
Given the assumed build date of the Gaspee (from the purchase correspondence),
which was before the order for purchase, it's unlikely that
she was originally built as a warship. The likelihood is that Gaspee
was built to be a merchant vessel. Although of the general design type of "Marblehead",
the Gaspee was
still subject to a broad set of possibilities as to her exact hull form.
Our interest as historians of the attack on the Gaspee in 1772 is not in
hull design, but rather our
interest is in the general type of tactical problem the Gaspee presented
to a rowboat borne force attempting to serve a warrant of arrest on someone on
board or to destroy the ship.
As we shall see below, Joseph Brown reasonably could have thought the Gaspee did not
present much of a tactical problem in boarding to enforce a warrant or destroy
the ship, if enough men
could be put on the deck of the ship quickly while the ship was unable to move
and before the Gaspee's guns could be fired.
We know something about the shape and size and design of several sloops that were purchased by the
English Navy, because there exist drawings of three North American built
ships of the period, the Chaleur, Halifax the Sultana. Jack Silvia, who has studied the matter,
conjectures the Gaspee being like the Chaleur.
See Notes on the Gaspee
Construction by Jack Silvia at the Gaspee Archives site. Basically,
his premises and conclusions include that
the general design of the Marblehead schooners was fairly common and was used
for much of the century; the known size of the Gaspee
puts the ship to be about the size of the Chaleur; thus, he concludes,
Gaspee was likely to be more like
the Chaleur than the smaller Sultana or Halifax.
[Electronic correspondence
from Silvia to the Society.]
On the other
hand. Randy Biddle, of Windship Studios, a longtime student of the vessel
Chaleur thinks that it is only speculation that Gaspee was like
Chaleur because Chaleur was "unlike her contemporaries for
which we have lines. In the absence of lines for Gaspee we can only say
that she may have been like Chaleur, or she may have been in fact, quite
different in appearance." [Electronic correspondence from Biddle to the Society.]
According to the Royal Navy List database information of C .H.
Donnithorne, the Gaspee was purchased as a 10 gun ship of 102 tons, with
dimensions of: Keel Length 49 ft; Extreme Breadth 19 ft 10 in; Depth in
Hold 7 ft. 10 in. Lincoln P. Paine, Ships
of the World (Houghton Mifflin Co., NY, 1997) puts the Gaspee at 68 feet long by 20 feet wide
with a 9 foot high hold. This size is only slightly
different from the Chaleur, which was 70 feet long by 20 feet wide with an 8
foot high hold. However, Jack Silvia has studied and researched the
available Gaspee information and has slightly different measurements. He estimates that the deck of the
Gaspee was about 62 feet long by about
17 feet wide. To the same effect was William Baker, who in 1967-1968 drew
detailed plans for a sailing reconstruction of the Gaspee.
[The papers are at MIT.]
Some further measurements from his reconstruction are useful in understanding the
attack on the Gaspee:
- Length, on the range of the deck - 62' 10",
- Width, at broadest of the deck -
- Depth, to Underside of Deck at Side (Height of Hold) - 8' 4",
- Side Rail, Underside of Deck to
Underside of Main Rail at Side - 3' 0" .
Click on the thumbnails, of the English Navy drawings of the Chaleur, to appreciate the ship boarding events of the capture of the
Gaspee. For example: consider how easy it would be to get on board
the Gaspee from a longboat alongside. The hold of the Gaspee was
about eight feet high. Subtract from this hold height the portion of the
ship below the waterline, and
you see how easy it was for the attackers of the Gaspee to get on board.
At the midpoint of the ship, the ship probably only had less than three feet of freeboard
above the waterline. This low freeboard allowed easy loading of the ship from
the docks of the day, and allowed large waves to wash over the middle of the ship
and not overturn the ship.
Therefore, amidships the attackers had only to stand on the side of their
longboat, grab the rail, and hoist themselves up three or four feet or so to get
aboard. Although the height of the Gaspee on the bow, where Lt.,
Dudingston was swinging his sword, was higher, it was not that much more higher
or difficult to climb over. It is true that the Gaspee was boarded after she had
run aground on a falling tide. As a consequence, the height of the rail above
the waterline was likely to have been higher than it would have been under
sailing conditions. But because there was water enough so that the Gaspee was
not laying on its side, the difference in boarding height could not have been
greatly increased because of the grounding.
The artists' drawings one commonly sees of the Gaspee
attack usually exaggerate the height of the Gaspee in
comparison with the attacking longboats. One good military drawing of the
attack exists,
to wit: the one at the United States Naval Museum in Newport, Rhode Island. Click on
its thumbnail
picture at the top of
this page to enlarge it. Study it, and you will get a good idea of the actual attack
positions available and the lack of any real tactical problems in boarding the
Gaspee, if it
were stuck immobile on a sandbar and the crew was surprised by an overwhelming number of attackers.
Click on the photo to the left to
enlarge it. This is a photo of the recreated sloop Sultana,
which was slightly smaller, but like the Gaspee.
While you have the photo enlarged, see how easy it would be to board a ship like
this from longboats. (The white painted area of hull is the area that would be
below waterline of the loaded vessel.)
Crew of Gaspee. The six sloops/schooners purchased by the English
Navy, of which the Gaspee was one, were each authorized to maintain a
complement of 30 men.
More information on the crew of
the Gaspee At the time the Gaspee was patrolling
the Narragansett Bay the Gaspee crew numbered only about 22 sailors and three
Guns. These six ships purchased in 1764, including the Gaspee, were armed with a
combination of carriage guns and swivel guns. Carriage guns are the guns we are
used to seeing in the movies, heavy cannon-like pieces that generally
could only fire out the openings in the side of the ship or the deck railing.
Swivel guns were much smaller. One could think of them as good size
blunderbusses, mounted on a swivel that looked much like an oarlock, and fired
from the deck. They were more easily aimed at various angles and were
effective anti-personnel weapons.
When it is mentioned above that the
Gaspee was purchased as a "10 gun ship", it is a measure of what could be
mounted and not necessarily what was on the ship. With a crew of only 22
sailors, it would seem unlikely that ten carriage guns were actually on the ship.
It probably was a combination such as eight or less carriage guns and four or
less swivel guns. After the attack on the Gaspee, and naval warfare
became likely, the Royal Navy retired these small boats from
American duty, for being too lightly armed. The swivel guns of these
ships or their small size carriage guns were inadequate to deal
with a privateer or American ship with a "real" cannon of longer range.
Rear Admiral John Montague, who in 1771 became
the Commander in Chief of His
Majesty's Ships and Naval Vessels in North American, was charged with enforcing the customs laws and otherwise provide English naval superiority in a
huge territory -- the entire American coast
that ran from the St. Lawrence River in the north to the Bahamas in the South.
Until after1774, he never had more than 12 vessels at any time, and of
these only two were ships of the line, capable of engaging French or other enemy
The small size of the Gaspee dictated that it was not officially named as a
ship of the King of England. Hence, it is not correct to call it H.R.M
(His Royal Majesty's) Gaspee. Instead the nomenclature is: the Royal
Navy's armed schooner Gaspee.
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