In this section of
Gaspee History

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Gaspee Raiders
for biographical
information on the Americans in the boats attacking the Royal Navy ship
Books: American Colonial and
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Leonard H. Bucklin.
content of this site may not be reproduced except for brief excerpts for
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This is a history education and
research web site of the
Joseph Bucklin Society.
in brackets [ ] or in curly brackets { } on any page in
this website are to books, or other materials, listed in the Joseph
Bucklin Society Gaspee Bibliography, or to materials held by the Joseph
Bucklin Society.
John Mawney Biographical Material
John Mawney and Ephraim Bowen were the only two Americans who
wrote out an eye-witness account of the attack and capture of the English
ship Gaspee.
Mawney's full statement and
some notes on it are on a separate page at this site.
Before reading the biography on Mawney, you might want to see
what he said about Joseph Bucklin. The parts of Mawney's formal statement
regarding Joseph Bucklin are abstracted below (* * * * indicates portions taken
out of the statement for this abstract).
"[After participating in the
boarding and overpowering of the crew, John Brown asked Mawney to go to the
captain's cabin to attend a wounded person] * * * * I hastened into the
cabin and found Lieut. Dudingston in a sitting posture, gently reclining to the
left, bleeding profusely, with a thin, white, woolen blanket, loose about him,
which I threw aside and discovered the effect of a musket ball in his left
groin, and thinking the femoral artery was cut, threw open my waistcoat and
taking my shirt by the collar, tore it to my waistband, when Mr. Dudingston
said, "Pray, sir, don't tear your clothes, there is linen in that trunk," upon
which I requested Joseph Bucklin to break open the trunk and tear linen
and scrape lint, which he immediately attempted, but finding the linen new and
strong, could not make the lint.
I then directed him to place his
hands as I had mine, which was, the ball of my left hand on the orifice of the
wound, and giving him the word to slip his hand under mine and to press hard to
prevent the effusion of blood; which being done, I went to the linen * * *
*[and prepared a bandage compress] .
All being prepared, I told
Bucklin to raise his hands, when I instantly placed the compresses on the
orifice, and placing the bandage round the thigh over the wound and crossing it
above, drew tight, so that the effusion of blood was stopped. * * * * "
For Biography on John Mawney, see our full page
about him.