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This is a history education and
research web site of the
Joseph Bucklin Society.
in brackets [ ] or in curly brackets { } on any page in
this website are to books, or other materials, listed in the Joseph
Bucklin Society Gaspee Bibliography, or to materials held by the Joseph
Bucklin Society.
Ephraim Bowen wrote the most comprehensive written eye-witness account,
the American participants, of the Gaspee Affair.
His full statement and some notes on it are
on a separate page at this site. He himself was one of the Gaspee Raiders that attacked the English Navy ship
Gaspee in 1772.
Summary: Gaspee raider, Ephraim Bowen, was born in 1753 in Providence,
to a wealthy and well known family of Rhode Island. .
He went onto become a Deputy Quartermaster
General in the Revolutionary War. He built his fortune in trade and in the
distillery business, and died a local hero at the age of 89 in 1841. He was that
last living member of the crew that burnt the Gaspee in 1772, and wrote the most
cited retelling of the events of that attack.
Now, let's look at some details of Bowen's life. It really
shows the interconnections that existed among the Gaspee Raiders, as well as the
fact that the Gaspee raiders were men of some distinction and abilities.
Ephraim Bowen (1753 - 1841), the 19 year old Gaspee raider, was
a son of well-known R. Ephraim Bowen (1716 - 1812) a medical doctor in
Providence, and Lydia Mawney. In turn, Dr. R. Ephraim Bowen was the son of well known Dr. Thomas
(1698 - 1744) of Rehoboth. Dr. Thomas Bowen had another son,
William (b. 1747) , who also became a doctor in Rehoboth.
The Bowen family was founded by Richard Bowen, who came from
Wales and by 1648 was married and lived in Rehoboth. Both the Bowen
family, and also the Bucklin family, lived continually in Rehoboth from its
founding until after the Revolutionary Wary. Given the limited number of people
in Rehoboth at the time, it is obvious that since 1648 the Bucklin family and
the Bowen family had known each other. Joseph Bucklin 4th's sister Mary
had married a Bowen (Icabod Bowen, b. 1727).
Ephraim Bowen the Gaspee raider was a younger stepbrother of Jabez
Bowen, a well known lawyer and later one of the Deputy Governors of Rhode
Island. Jabez Bowen (1739-1815), a lawyer in Providence, was deputy
governor of Rhode Island from 1778 to 1786. Jabez, born 2 Jun 1739 in
Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island had Ephraim Bowen Sr., as his father
and Mary Fenner as his mother. Mary Fenner was the daughter of
Thomas Fenner of Providence.
Lydia Mawney was the daughter of Colonel Peter Mawney and Mary
Tillinghast. Gaspee Raider John Mawney, Jr., was the son of Lydia's brother John
Mawney, Sr.. See
Lydia's brother John Mawney married Amey Gibbs in 1745
Amey was the daughter of Robert Gibbs and Amey Whipple, daughter of Colonel
Joseph Whipple.
Ephraim made quite a bit of money during his lifetime. At
the start of the Revolutionary War General Greene appointed 23 year old Ephraim
to be the army's
deputy quartermaster general for Rhode Island. Why did Greene appoint this
23 year old person, instead of one of the established merchants? We can
only speculate, although one can guess that Greene knew that Bowen had
intelligence and would be absolutely loyal to the Revolutionary War cause.
As quartermaster general for
Rhode Island, Bowen maintained an office at Providence and from there employed a
rather substantial organization, including assistant
deputy quartermasters general at six other towns in the state, plus an assistant
deputy wagon master general. Bowen also was the person who controlled the
employment of the force of persons for these assistant deputies to supervise:
all the wagon masters, storekeepers, blacksmiths, tailors, and other artificers,
plus office
The Army Deputy General Quartermasters, such as Bowen, were paid a 2 percent
commission on purchases they made for the supplies for the army. Bowen
made his purchases within his state of Rhode Island, and built valuable merchant
contacts. After the war he continued in various mercantile enterprises,
including profitable distillery businesses.
After the Revolutionary War, Ephraim and his brother Dr. William
Bowen also financed their
brother Benjamin's move to "Bowen's Settlement" (later renamed Newport) in
central New York state. The reason for Benjamin Bowen's move to New York was to
establish a saw mill, a grist mill, a distillery, and the Newport Cotton
Manufacturing Co. along the banks of the West Canada Creek using a dam and
diversion canal. Benjamin's sumptuous home, named "What Cheer Hall" is a
National Historic Registry building and operates as a bed and breakfast at
7482 Main Street, Newport, New York 13416 .
Data on Dr. Ephraim Bowen, and his children,
including Ephraim Bowen, Jr., the Gaspee Raider.
Dr. Ephraim1 Bowen, was born 03 Oct 1716 in
Rehoboth, Bristol, MA1, and died 21 Oct 1812 in Providence, RI2,3.
He married (1) Mary Fenner 09 Feb 1736/374. She was born Abt. 1720,
and died 16 Aug 1744. He married (2) Lydia Mawney 10 Jun 17464.
He is buried at Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI5 Burial of
Mary Fenner: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI5. Burial
of Lydia Mawney: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI5
Dr. Ephraim Bowen came to Providence, from Rehoboth, in
1739. He lived at what is now the intersection of College and Water (then
Main Street). As opportunity offered, he extended his lot east up the Hill to
what is now Benefit Street. There was an agreement between Bowen and John
Jencks, who adjoined on the north, so that one would not push further west than
the other.
Children of Ephraim Bowen and Mary Fenner are:
i. JABEZ2 Bowen, b. 13 Jun 17396;
d. 08 May 1815, Providence, RI7; m. SARAH BROWN; b. 24 Sep 17427;
d. 21 Oct 1812.
Appointed: Chief Justice, Sup. Ct. of RI
Burial: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI7,8
Occupation: Lawyer
ii. OLIVER Bowen Bowen, b. 17 Nov 17429.
iii. MARY Bowen, b. Jul 17449; d. 23 Aug
1744. Burial: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI10
Children of Ephraim Bowen and Lydia Mawney
iv. WILLIAM2 Bowen, b. 08 Mar
v. MARY Bowen, b. 20 Oct 1748.
vi. SARAH Bowen, b. 26 Jul 1750.
vii. LYDIA Bowen, b. 03 Jan 1752.
viii. Col. Ephraim Bowen, b. 29 Aug 1753,
Providence, RI11; d. 02 Sep 184112; m. (1) Sally
Angell; b. 30 Oct 1757; d. 15 May 1788; m. (2) Sarah Whipple; b. Abt.
1773; d. 27 Sep 184413.
Notes for COL. Ephraim Bowen's
involvement with Rehoboth.
Ephraim's ancestry traces back to
Richard Bowen born 1580, Ilston, Glamorganshire, Wales, married (1) bfr
1622, in Kettle Hill, Glamorganshire, Wales, Ann Bourne, born 1586,
Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales, Homemaker, died 1644, Rehoboth, Bristol,
MA, married (2) NOV 1648, in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA, Elizabeth REY, born
ca 1590, died 1675, Rehoboth, Bristol, MA. Richard died Rehoboth,
Bristol, MA, Buried: 04 FEB 1674, Rehoboth, Bristol, MA, See http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
Thus it appears that Ehpraim Bowen and his companion Joseph Bucklin both
had family with roots in Rehoboth from the 1640's.
Since the Bowens came from Swansea in
Wales, it is logical to conclude that the Welch Bowens and perhaps
others were responsible for the name of the early town of Swansea, near
More About Col. Ephraim Bowen:
Burial: St. John's Cemetery, Benefit
Street, Providence, RI13
Gaspee: 1772, Member of the raiding
Military service: Abt. 1776, Deputy
General Quartermaster, US Army14.
Ephraim drew a pension for military service during the
Revolutionary War. 19.
Record: Wealthy landowner Pawtuxet,
Rhode Island15
Residence: 1799, Warwick, RI16
More About Sally Angell: Burial: St.
John's Cemetery, Benefit Street, Providence, RI17
More About Sarah Whipple: Burial: St.
John's Cemetery, Benefit Street, Providence, RI17
ix. BENJAMIN Bowen, b. 17 Oct 1755; d.
Unknown. Residence: 1812, Newport, NY18
x. PARDON Bowen, b. 16 Mar 1757.
xi. NANCY JUNE Bowen, b. 09 Jun 1762.
xii. BENJAMIN Bowen, b. 09 Nov 1762.
xiii. BETSEY Bowen, b. 04 May 1765.
xiv. FRANCES Bowen, b. 29 May 1768.
1. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
2. Whipple Web Site, (http://genweb.whipple.org/d0033, visited 24 mar 2001),
"Electronic," genweb.shipple.org/d0039/i55998.html, visited 9 Jan 2003.
3. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html,
gives date as the 26 of October 1812.
4. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
5. Rhode Island Cemetery Transcript Project, "Electronic."
6. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
7. Whipple Web Site, (http://genweb.whipple.org/d0033, visited 24 mar 2001),
"Electronic," genweb.shipple.org/d0039/i55998.html, visited 9 Jan 2003.
8. Abby Isabel Brown Bulkey, Chad Browne Memorial, Consisting of Genealogical
Memoirs of a Portion of the Descendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne,
(Brooklyn, NY, 1888), p. 41, buried "In the West ground from which his remains
were afterwards removed to Swan Point Cemetery:.
9. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
10. Rhode Island Cemetery Transcript Project, "Electronic."
11. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.ormsby.org/genie/Miscellaneous/Bowen.html.
12. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/md/statewide/vitals/Notices2.txt,
Bowen, Col. Ephraim Date: 09-02-1841 - Nat'l Intelligencer - Obit Notice Bowen,
Col. Ephraim, a soldier of the Revolution, and last surviving son of the late
Dr. Ephraim Bowen, who had 14 children, died in Providence, R. I., Sept. 2,
1841, in the 89th year of his age. He leaves a wife. They had 9 children, all of
which are dead. (Sept. 7, 1841). [Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths from
National Intelligencer, 1841, Page 1283].
13. Rhode Island Cemetery Transcript Project, "Electronic."
14. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/RevWar/risch/chpt-2.htm
and 4. htm, General Greene appointed "Ephraim Bowen, deputy quartermaster
general for Rhode Island, was a member of a prominent mercantile family of that
state. He maintained his office at Providence and employed assistant deputy
quartermasters general at six other towns in the state, together with a deputy wagonmaster general, wagonmasters, storekeepers, artificers, and clerks." The
Deputy General Quartermasters were paid a 2 percent commission on purchases.
Bowen made his purchases within his state of Rhode Island.
15. Internet web pages, "Electronic," www.gaspee.org/Slocum.html,
Interesting personality sketch of Ephraim Bowen, by one who know him.
16. John Concannon, Gaspee Virtual Archives, (www.gaspee.org), "Electronic,"
visited 20 Jan 2002, Bowen Mansion is at 130 Fair Street, Warwick, RI. Bowen's
still house still (2003) exists at 37 North Fair Street in Warwick, RI.
17. Rhode Island Cemetery Transcript Project, "Electronic."
18. Internet web pages, "Electronic," http://www.innsite.com/inns/A000732.html,
viewed 20 Jan 2003, Benjamin Bowen ...came from Rhode Island with the financial
backing of his brothers, Dr. William Bowen and Ephraim Bowen Esq. to establish a
saw mill, a grist mill, a distillery, and the Newport Cotton Manufacturing Co.
along the banks of the West Canada Creek using a dam and diversion canal.
19. U.S. Census, 1840 Census of Pensioners, by Judicial District.