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Capt. Rufus Greene
Every witness to the Gaspee affair who mentioned names
included the name "Greene".
The Greene family were owners of the Fortune, seized by Dudingston, and had a
strong grievance against him. Among the goods seized (as smuggled goods)
was some rum. During the period of the Gaspee raid the Greenes were in the
process of bringing a law suit against Dudingston for damages for their lost
rum. The initial part of this legal process was political and investigative.
That is, the Greenes and others asked the Rhode Island governor to discover
the authority of the person commanding the Gaspee. The Gaspee raid took
place after the governor was unsuccessful is actually seeing any written
authority of Dudingston to see a vessel in the colony's waters and then send the
seized ship off to Boston. After the Gaspee raid,
that lawsuit was successfully concluded with a jury verdict adjudging improper
seizure by Dudingston and damages assessed against Dudingston. [See Bryant
1967 at pp 65-71, which details the lawsuits the Greene family filed against
The Gaspee sailors testified that during the capture of the Gaspee one man verbally
harassed Dudingston about payment for rum. Although in past times many
merchants had rum seized by Dudingston, only the seizure of the rum on the
Greene's ship Fortune was both recent and also the subject of a pending
lawsuit against Dudingston for payment for the seizure. Thus the mention by
participants of a "Greene" being in the raiding party seems consistent
with the historical background. The question is: which Greene?
- Nathaniel, the owner of the rum;
- Jacob, the registered owner of the Fortune, or
- Rufus, Jr., the Fortune's master.
Our thinking as to which Greene was in the Gaspee raiding party involves three main points:
Nathaniel said he was not there that night. [Nathaniel's biographer (George Washington Greene)
reports this and gives as his source a conversation with Ephraim Bowen.]
was Rufus Jr. who was the captain on board the Fortune when it was
sized by the Gaspee.
Jacob, much older and senior in the family business, normally would have been
wasting his time being on a voyage where Rufus Jr. was the ship captain.
One family member, a ship captain, was sufficient to take care of the family
business involved in a voyage. Given the nature of the businesses of the
family and the need to manage multiple ship voyages, it is highly unlikely that
two Greenes would have been aboard the Fortune on the same voyage.
Gaspee crewperson Peter May, who was on the Gaspee both at the time of
Fortune confiscation and also the attack on
the Gaspee, stated that he saw the same "Greene" on the Fortune
and also among the attackers [Staples pp.67 and 76].
Thus, we settle on Rufus Greene, Jr., as being the Gaspee Raider.
If Rufus Greene, Jr., was the Greene raider, the most likely situations are
that he either was in port with a ship in Providence or else he had traveled 25
miles from his farmlands in East Greenwich to be there specifically for
some business on 9 June 1772. The later option fits with the conspiracy theory of
John Concannon of the Gaspee Virtual Archives; Concannon surmises that the Gaspee running aground was no
accident, but rather a deliberate trap engineered by John Brown.
[References in
brackets] on any page in this website are to books, or other materials, listed in
the Joseph Bucklin Society Library
Catalog.] or to materials held by the Joseph Bucklin Society.
Rufus's January 1773 description of the confiscation of the Fortune, for
which Dudingston was successfully sued after the investigating commission was
completed, was as follows
I, Rufus Greene, Jr., of East Greenwich, in the colony of
Rhode Island, mariner, depose and say; that some time in February last, I was
on board of and commanded the sloop Fortune, lying at anchor in the
Narragansett Bay, off North Kingstown, having a quantity of rum on board,
belonging to Nathaniel Greene & Co., when one Dundass, an officer of the
schooner Gaspee, under the command of Lieutenant Dudingston, came on board and
asked this deponent if he would take any freight on board; to which this
deponent answered no; he then ordered this deponent to unlay the hatches; and
this deponent telling the said Dundass that said hatches were unlaid, he then
ordered him into the cabin; and being demanded by what authority he thus did,
replied, "If you do not go into the cabin I'll let you know," drawing his
sword; he then caught this deponent by the collar, and pushed him into the
cabin; this deponent then came out of said cabin, and went forward to prevent
the anchor's being weighed; he then clenched upon this deponent again, thrust
him into the cabin, jammed the companion leaf upon his head, knocked him down
upon a chest in said cabin, and confined him there for a considerable time;
after this deponent entreating the said Dundass to let him free, he did so,
and made a seizure of the said vessel and cargo, (as he said,) and put the
letter "R" upon her hatches; then towed said sloop to said schooner (it being
calm) with three boats. This deponent being commanded aboard the schooner
aforesaid, obeyed; went before said Lieutenant Dudingston, and after some
conversation, was ordered from his presence and confined in the gangway; this
deponent asked said Dudingston if he had a commission to seize, &c., to which
said Dudingston answered that he had a good commission from his Majesty, but
showed none. The next day this deponent was put on board another vessel, and
further saith not. RUFUS GREENE, Jr.
KENT, ss. EAST GREENWICH, Jan. 14th, 1773.
Personally appeared the above deponent, Rufus Greene, Jr.,
and being cautioned to speak the truth made solemn oath upon the Evangelists
of Almighty God, that the before going narrative is true in all its parts.
Coram, HOPKINS COOKE, Justice P
Rufus, Jr., was the son of Rufus Greene, Sr., who was born on 2 Jun 1712 in
East Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island. He died on 11 Dec 1784 in East Greenwich,
Kent, Rhode Island. He was the son of Jabez Greene (1673)
The senior Green brothers. Rufus, Jacob, Nathaniel, and Thomas.
Rufus Greene, Sr., was one of the senior Green brothers who did business under various firm names
from the 1770's until the 1800's, including the names Jacob Greene & Co.
and Nathaniel Greene & Co.
The Greene brothers were an important
merchant company of the time and in area around Pawtuxet, with their ships using Apponanug Cove. Most of
the land along the actual Apponanug Cove was owned by Jacob Greene & Co. The
Greenes had buildings in Providence for their merchant shipping activities.
James, Nathaniel, and Thomas Greene all held property in Providence at the time.
[1770 List of Providence Taxpayers] The Greenes used the
seaport of Apponanug for docking and fitting out their ships which they sent in the triangular and
coastal trades . The Greenes not only had ships and farms, but also a grist
mill, sawmill, ironworks, wharfs and warehouses.
(shown at left) was the Greene who many regard as the most
important general in the Revolutionary WarAdditional knowledge about
the important Greene family is available, after thirty years of effort, in the
Papers of Major-General Nathaniel Greene. .
The 13 volume publication by the
Rhode Island Historical Society
not only documents the achievements of one of Rhode Island’s most distinguished
sons, but also adds a wealth of information for the study of colonial
Rhode Island and of the American Revolution.Major
General Nathaniel Greene (1742-1786). |
The Greenes were one-quarter owners of the Hope Furnace, an enterprise in
which the Browns, the Greenes, and the Hopkins families were the owners.
In addition the Greenes were the owners of a forge near the Hope Furnace, which
was famous for supplying anchors for ships of New England.
The Senior Green Brothers were:
- Brother Rufus Greene was for many years a successful sea captain and
merchant. However, he became the manager of the Hope Furnace, a
full time occupation normally not allowing for absences of several days.
As Rufus Sr. no longer was available for chip master duties, his son Rufus
Jr., became a ship captain in the Greene family enterprises. It was
Rufus Jr., who was the captain of the ship Fortune that was seized by
Lt. Dudingston's ship Gaspee, as noted above.
- Brother Jacob was the owner of record of the ship Fortune..
- Brother Nathaniel Greene was the owner of record of the cargo
of 12 hogshead of rum that were seized. This Nathaniel Greene was born in 1707,
and was the father of the Nathaniel Green
who was born in 1742. The son, b. 1742, although publicly accused,
vehemently denied having been a participant
in the Gaspee affair when asked sometime after the Revolution had started.
Indeed, a letter from E. Brown To Artemas Ward survives which places this
younger Nathanial Green with Ward in Boston on the night the Gaspee was
attacked, only traveling to Providence the following day.
See Lee Patrick Anderson, Forgotten Patriot: the life and times of
Major-General Nathaniel Green. This
younger Nathanial is the one who went on to become General George Washington's second-in-command
during the later part of the Revolution.
- Brother Thomas was one of the signers of the complaint against Dudingston
that resulted in Governor Wanton requesting Dudingston to appear before him with
his authority for what he was doing in the Rhode Island waters, even before the
seizure of the Fortune and its rum.
Genealogical Notes.
The Rufus Greene who was the raider was Rufus Greene, Jr., who born on 17 Mar 1747/48 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. He died in 1831 in Houndsfield, New York. He married Margaret Buckout
[Buckhart] on 10 Jul 1768 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York. Margaret was born about 1745 in East
Greenwich, Rhode Island and died in Apr 1831 in Houndsfield, New York. They
had the following children: John 1768 - 1837; Nancy born 1770;
Phylotte born on 20 May 1772, died on 6 Jan 1866 in Salt Lake City, UT; James
born in 1774; Caleb was born in 1775
Greene, Sr., was born 2 Jun 1712 in East
Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island. He died on 11 Dec 1784 in East Greenwich, Kent,
Rhode Island. Rufus Sr. married Martha Russell on 13 Mar 1735 in Rhode Island.
Martha Russel was born on 24 Jun 1716 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.
She died on 30 Sep 1770 in East Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island. They had
14 children, including: Abraham, Russell, Phebe, Mary, Joseph, Rufus Jr., William, Caleb, Charles, Stephen, Martha, Jonathan, David, and
another Martha Greene
Rufus Greene Sr. (b. 1712) was the son of Jabez Greene (b. 1673) and the brother of Nathaniel Greene
(b. 1707). Thus, the named proprietor of Nathaniel Greene & Co, the owner of the
run, was the uncle of raider Rufus Greene.